Friday, May 30, 2008

Sex and the City...Another Addiction

I've been a closet Sex and the City fan for matter what time of night the re-runs show up, I'm glued to the set. I love all four girls - they each represent a little part of the whole me. Of course, I identify with Carrie the most but there's some Miranda, Charlotte and a whole lotta Samantha hiding out in this 42-year-old body.

To me, Sex and the City is like porn for females...we can't wait to visually devour what dress Carrie's got on, what shoes she buys, how hot Samantha looks in undies, and what will make Charlotte wrinkle that perky little nose next. So it's been a long four years for me since the series ended but thank goodness for TBS and re-runs!

Now...tonight is the BIG night. For weeks, some pals and I have had tickets to see the movie at the Bijou 7 downtown. In fact, in 10 minutes we're leaving to meet other friends at the Bluewater Grille for cosmos...then heading to the show. I can't WAIT to see the girls on the big screen. I've missed my "friends" so I'm giddy with excitement. Girls night out...with four girls I really need to catch up with.

I'll post a review sometime this weekend...

1 comment:

Julianne said...

Going to see it tonight... SUPER excited!

Hope you had fun on your girl's night out.